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How to Get Your Blog Noticed: 6 Top Tips 

Team Pepper
Posted on 22/09/204 min read
How to Get Your Blog Noticed: 6 Top Tips 

Consider this situation: you are an ardent blogger with excellent and innovative ideas to present to the world. You start a blog where you build your content with the utmost care and spread the word across social media. You even use some amazing content writing services that provide solid content. However, your blog isn’t getting the desired traffic.

Blog traffic is moody with a unique brand of impatience. Today’s readers are more likely to scan the content before reading it in detail. This is why, as a blogger, you must capture their attention within the first few seconds. Studies have shown that the first 8 seconds are critical in deciding the quality of a blog.

You must present your content smartly to get your point across without compromising on the blog’s objective.

So, how to get your blog noticed? This blog outlines five ways. Read on. 

How to Get Your Blog Noticed: 6 Top Tips 

1. Use Email Effectively

When it comes to letting your audience know about your blog, ensure that you use your email effectively. Here’s how to go about it. 

  • If you are just starting, list your personal connections’ and family’s emails and send them an introductory email about your blog. 
  • Set up an outreach program to email your potential audience – who could include other bloggers, influencers, and similar personalities – and inform them about your blog. 
  • Set up an email invite on your blog. If someone chances upon your blog and finds your content interesting, they can sign up. This serves as an excellent reminder for people to continue visiting your blog. 
Email marketing


2. Ensure your content is original

Nothing is more attractive than original content. Various topics or bloggers may inspire you, but creating your own content using those topics is the way to go. 

Here’s how to go about it. 

Original content


  • Make a list of topics that your audience may likely enjoy. 
  • Research these topics and take out their essential information. 
  • Use that information to create an interesting blog post then. 

Remember, plagiarism is not only uncool but also unethical and can get you into serious trouble. 

3. Engage with other bloggers 

It is important to be part of a blogging community around your niche. The more people you know in your niche, the better the chances of getting your blog noticed. 

  • Start engaging with fellow bloggers on social media. Go for blogger meets and community events. 
  • Comment on other bloggers’ social media and blog posts and get noticed yourself. 
  • Chances are, people (bloggers and their followers)  will soon be interested in you and what you have to say and follow you and your social media accounts and blog. 
Engage with bloggers


4. Work towards getting referral traffic 

Referral traffic is the blog traffic you get from websites other than the traditional search engines. It is important because your blog, as a result of referral traffic, gets visitors from trusted websites. Moreover, these allow your search engines to notice that these visitors have clicked on links from your blog, increasing your SEO ranking

How do you get your blog on other websites? Let’s see. 

  • Post your blog on online directories. Directories that offer addresses and phone numbers of companies in the vicinity are a great way to get noticed. This, of course, applies to business blogs looking to sell a product or service. 
  • Get your blog on a review site. Many media companies review blogs within their niche, try and get your blog on one of these and watch the traffic flow in. 
Referral traffic


  • Guest blog posts are a great way to get your blog noticed. Try and get your blog on to sites looking for quality guest blogs. Such articles will usually add a link to your blog, so people who enjoy your guest post will visit your blog for more information. 
  • Social media is a great avenue. In the quest of how to get your blog noticed, you can engage with your followers on social media. Post links to your new blog on your profiles. Share small snippets from your blog on your feed and interest your followers. 

5. SEO always works 

We don’t need to tell you this. But this article would be incomplete without SEO. SEO is such an important part of content marketing, after all. 

SEO tips for blogs


Here are some key SEO tactics to get your blog noticed. 

  • Take your time researching the right keywords for your blog and blog posts. 
  • Ensure your titles, meta details, and URL have the right keywords and are optimized. 
  • Use internal jump links within your post. 
  • Ensure your content is valuable for your visitors. 

6. Formatted content 

Assume that you do everything right, and your bounce rate is still high. It’s probably time to look at how your content looks to your visitor. 

  • Ensure that your blog is broken down into small paragraphs so that people can read it easily on mobiles and a laptop/desktop. 
  • Whitespace is an important part of any content. If you use too many words cluttered together, you will likely scare the reader away. That’s why it is necessary to place appropriate spaces within the content. Well-placed white spaces allow the reader to take a breather while reading and not bounce away from the page and move on to another.
  • Formatting is crucial as well. Make your content more readable by introducing a dash of formatting. Use bold and italic formatting to emphasize your point. You can also use bullets/numbering to split a list of items or a process description.
Content formatting


  • Ensure your content is also visual. Add relevant visuals to your blog post to convey your message more effectively. Studies have shown that a person is more likely to be attracted to content that has bright visuals than a mere black-and-white stretch of words that goes on and on. Try working with infographics – they help quickly summarize information into one image and are great at breaking up text. 
Infographic in content


In the End 

Today, a blog is not just about expressing yourself but expressing yourself in the right way, media-wise. In today’s world, it is first essential to get the reader to scan or skim through the content before reading it thoroughly. For that, your blog needs to be noticed by your potential readers. 

The above-mentioned points are great ways to ensure that once your readers open your blog, they are interested in reading more.